WONDERLAND 1 By Ben Johnson Thank you for the short download of "Wonderland 1". Sprite Fight 2000 is a great game, and you can make it better if you create your own backgrounds and people. All you need is ResEdit (available on AOL) and an art program such as HyperStudio or Kid Pix. And for more advanced graphics you can use programs such as Adobe Photoshop or Ifini-D. SO QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT AND DO IT!   Look for future titles online by BMJohn You can reach me at BMJohn@Aol.com   This is HappyWare If you are happy when you use it, send $1 to: Ben Johnson 6224 McPherson St.Louis Mo. 63130 If you don't want to send me a dollar, just send me a quick E-mail letter telling me if it made you happy or not and also telling me 1 really cool Mac game that you have downloaded.   Offical HappyWare logo ©1996 Ben Johnson